Web Hosting for running a forum?


Well-known member
I am going to host a big forum and need to find a good web hosting account.
What are your views on kvchosting.net or libertyvps.net website hosting solutions? Uptime, features, bonuses?
Are they the hosting providers I can rely on? What host is better? Why?


Well-known member
You may run your business with hostingsource.com and rockhoster.com as they are full-feature dand low cost.
Such a great Hosting service they provide. You will be very satisfied with the service of them.


Well-known member
Now everything works like a clock and I am happy running my site at kvchosting.net servers.
Recommend this host to others. It is also 100% Mobile Ready, so I have the opportunity to manage my hosting account.


Well-known member
Give my vote for KVChosting.net SSD VPS - they are perfect for running forums. The price is very reasonable compared to other hosts I've seen.
They are optimized for application hosting and provide more security, reliability and speed than traditional web hosts.


Well-known member
The service is fast and friendly, even if queries were about problems that had nothing to do with kvchosting.net web host.
They upgraded the quality of my server WITHOUT raising my prices! It's much faster!