The way to verify the SSL private key length of any website!


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Users are increasingly concerned about the security of the website they visit. Attempts at ID theft, stealing information, and spoofing websites are now common occurrences. To combat these threats, websites now use the RSA standard protocols to verify the authenticity of websites and encrypt traffic between the browser and the website.​
The most common implementation for websites is SSL/TLScertification and using SSL protocols is fast becoming the de facto standard in website design. Most browsers and websites now use the https:// prefix, stating that the site has an SSL/TLS certificate and requires an SSL connection.
Creating a domain needs registration, and creating a website needs certification. Both are relatively easy tasks, usually carried out by a Managed Service provider like HostSailor.

SSL Signs for the security

Take a closer look at the PKCS, RSA, and SSL/TLS!​

  • The IT industry uses a standard for the structure and operation of public and private keys called PKCS.
  • PKCS was created in the early 1990s and developed as a set of vendor-independent common standards for secure information exchange. PKCS is a set of fifteen standards that define how applications should interact in certain situations.
  • The RSA standards are an inherent part of PKCS and are used in SSL/TLS.

What is an RSA Private Key?​

3 things refer to the the SSL private key website security
RSA defines a key pair that authenticates a website’s identity and encrypts information traveling between a browser and the website. The public key is freely available and is used to encrypt data as it travels. The other key, the private key, is used to decrypt data and should be kept as securely as possible.

SSL/TLS follows this standard. As the browser connects, it verifies the website‘s identity from certificate information held in the private key and establishes an encrypted session between the browser and the site using the key information. A validation failure means no connection.
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